Sunday, March 1, 2009

FREE wedding photography

Sherrlyn Borkgren contacted me about a great deal she has for brides: FREE wedding photography!! If you're getting married & are depressed by the rising prices, you should definitely check out her website. I looked at it myself and she seems like a really well-qualified photographer with a great big heart for helping out those less fortunate (on her website she mentions that "this year, portions of all wedding income go to the Democratic Republic of Congo to help tell the story of nine year-old Belice, a rape survivor.") Here's the portion she emailed to me:

I listened to Brandon Heath's song "Give me your eyes" and decided that I would give away a free day of wedding photography. Brides only need to visit my blog for details and tell me about their wedding and how they will help pass the love on.

I only mention it because if I were newly-engaged and starting the whole process again I would definitely give this lady some much deserved attention!!


Blacksburg today: major snowfall. It has continued to snow throughout the day. What a pretty mess. And it's not too cold so I really don't have much to complain about!

I hope it freezes tonight--then I won't have to give my presentation (scheduled for tomorrow) until after Spring Break (2 WEEKS from now!!) That would be amazing.

1 comment:

Hannah said...

I know! I totally wish I hadn't booked my photographer yet-- or that she'd done this a LONG time ago haha. I'd jump right on it!