Thursday, February 5, 2009

A little about ME!

Hannah Noel from that [engaged] girl sent me some questions:

1. Cotton or silk sheets?
I've never slept on silk sheets (yet), but I'm positive I would love them. I love it when my pillow and sheets are cold; then I wrap my blanket around and warm myself up. But cotton sheets do that just fine....just as long as they're not flannel!!!

2. Do you use your snooze button often?
Yes, unfortunately. I've always been a terrible morning person. I wish I could just wake up and go get in the shower...but usually I like to sleep 5 minutes more...then force my eyes open...and just lie in bed for another 10 minutes (I guess just to convince myself that I'm waking up on my own terms. I'm very stubborn like that.)

3. What's the stupidest thing you've ever done?
Stupidest thing I've done: worry about my life with Ben and moving in the Military. That's definitely stupid because I know I'd rather be with him in Japan than without him in Virginia. He's just too wonderful.
4. What's your top 5 favorite heart-warming chic-flicks?
Just 5?? At the top of the list is Pride & Prejudice. I just love that movie (the Kiera Knightley version) and especially the book. But I'll save that for another post. The rest of the list would be filled with (in no particular order): Sweet Home Alabama, The Notebook, The Holiday, and Father of the Bride (partly because of my love for Brad Paisley & Kimberly Williams-Paisley; and partly because...oh I don't a little over 3 months I'm getting married)

5. Who would you rather go on a date with: Hugh Jackman or PatrickDempsey?
Probably Hugh Jackman. I'm an Office I've never watched an episode of Grey's Anatomy. But Ben and I promised each other one celebrity date & Hugh is not my man: I picked Mark Wahlberg. (Who does he pick but the classy artist, Tara Reid.)

So you wanna have as much fun as I did in answering some interview questions??

Here are the directions:
1. Leave me a comment & your email address saying, "Interview me." If you dare...
2. I will respond by emailing you five questions (I get to pick the questions).
3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions. (You get to choose the questions.)

1 comment:

Hannah said...

""3. What's the stupidest thing you've ever done?
Stupidest thing I've done: worry about my life with Ben and moving in the Military. That's definitely stupid because I know I'd rather be with him in Japan than without him in Virginia. He's just too wonderful""

I SO totally get you!